Improve Office Worker Health With A BPA Free Water Delivery System

    BPA Free Water Delivery System

    Water bottles are a fact of life for many offices, ranging from cheap bottles sold in the canteen to larger ones which supply the water for drinking fountains. For many companies, the only consideration for these water bottles is that they should be affordable and easy to store, but there is growing concern among the general public about these bottles, and a product found within them which could be poisoning everyone that uses them. If you have heard workers voice concerns about the water, and want to make sure that they are not affected, you need to make use of Urban Oasis and our BPA free water delivery system for homes and businesses in LA.

    BPA Free Water Delivery SystemWhat Is The Problem?

    You may not have heard of BPA ever before, but it is a source of real concern for many who read the news. This is because BPA is Bisphenol A, a chemical which has been used in plastic molding for many years. It appears in epoxy resins and polycarbonate plastics, the latter of which are used to make food-storage containers including water bottles. BPA has been shown to be a risk to infants and children, potential risk for cancers, loss of fertility, type 2 diabetes, and there is a suggested link between BPA contamination and hypertension (high blood pressure). The concern comes from the fact that there is some evidence that BPA may seep out of the plastics and into the consumables, including into water. People worried about their health may be reluctant to use water fountains and water bottles, and they may want you to make use of a new material for your water delivery.

    Using BPA Free Water Delivery System

    As the FDA still believes that BPA is not affecting water in sufficient quantities to be significant, the majority of water bottles and water supply deliveries make use of bottles containing this substance. While California did enforce a ban on BPA, it is still quite rare to find a source for water that is BPA free. This is where Urban Oasis can help you. Our water is pure, and is sold in bottles which are reusable and are not single-use plastic. They are free of BPA, making them perfect for companies who are invested in employee health, and want to make sure that they are able to safely drink the water provided for them.

    Let Us Deliver To You

    Whether you want to stock up on drinking bottles for your office staff, or need a regular delivery for your water fountain, Urban Oasis are here to help. We can offer you our expert BPA free water delivery service that can provide you with high-quality mineral water for your company. We believe in offering businesses the chance to enjoy good water free of contaminants, including BPA and other plastics. To find out more about what we can offer your business, or to find out about our vending stations, call us at (213) 427-0320 now.

    Urban Oasis