Alkaline water delivery can help your business in many ways. For one, it can improve the quality of experience when your customers visit your office. You would want them to feel welcome. But your customers aren’t the only ones who can benefit from alkaline water. Your staff, too, doesn’t have to bring their water from their home just to hydrate themselves while working.
Alkaline Water Delivery Ensures Clean Water in Your Business
Providing your employees with access to clean drinking water can have many benefits. And you can enjoy more benefits when you choose to provide them with alkaline water. Generally, hydrated employees are more productive. They also have more energy when they come to your office. Furthermore, hydrated employees have stronger immune systems. Unfortunately, many offices across the US have too much lead in tap water. Businesses that tested their water supply found lead in their water samples. It means that their employees are facing lead exposure while they’re working every day. Lead in water comes from corroded water service lines. Keep in mind that just a small amount of it can cause serious consequences.
Take Action Now
If you haven’t signed up for an alkaline water delivery system yet, then you must act now. You may wish to check your office’s or building’s water source. Find out if the water is contaminated with lead. You should do the testing once a year. However, you don’t do it yourself. Contact your water utility to test the water.
Choose a Water Vending Machine
Tap water can be contaminated. It doesn’t use a filtration system that removes chemicals. A vended water, on the other hand, is free from lead and other harmful chemicals. Furthermore, the taste of the water is better. While it improves the taste, it makes it safer to drink. It’s also healthier. Of course, you can choose to provide bottled water for your employees. Unfortunately, it’s not sustainable. It’s also not eco-friendly. If you live in an area where it’s not safe to drink tap water, then make sure to opt for a vending machine that your employees and clients can access every time they need to hydrate themselves.
Why Choose Alkaline Water?
Alkaline water can help in promoting pH balance in your body as it carries higher pH levels compared to regular bottled water. Normal drinking water has a pH of 7 but alkaline water has a pH of 8 or 9. Too much acid in the body can deplete your energy. As a result, it increases fatigue and drowsiness. If you choose to supply your employees with alkaline water, you can always sign up for a water delivery subscription. When you opt for our water vending machine, your employees can enjoy drinking clean water. Thanks to the machine’s advanced multi-stage filtration system. It can reduce the risk of exposure to those dangerous chemicals found in tap water.
Get in Touch with Us
Head to our website and check out how you can access our alkaline water delivery system. You may also call us here at (213) 427-0320.