If you don’t happen to live in an area that is regarded as having the most suitable drinking water from the kitchen taps, then the likelihood is that you are going to have to rely on some kind of water delivery service in order to keep a good, regular supply in your home for both you and your family. For too many years, the common practice for this kind of service was for the water to be delivered to customers in plenty of plastic bottles, but at this point in history, we are more than aware of how bad that is for the environment. With this in mind, here are some of the benefits of alternative glass bottled water delivery.

It Avoids Single-Use Plastic

The most obvious benefit of switching to glass bottles for your water delivery is that it takes away a large portion of your single-use plastic usage. Single plastic is one of the leading problems in the ever-growing environmental fight that we are facing, so if you can make small changes to change your own part in the problem, you absolutely should. The world will thank you!

The Water Tastes Better

The simple fact is that when you store your water in glass containers, it tastes much better for much longer. This is down to the fact that plastic bottles contain a handful of chemicals in their manufacture that can interact with the sunlight and seep into the water, giving it that distinctly coppery or chemically taste that you will probably be familiar with from previous experiences.

The Water Is Better For You

Alongside the taste, these seeping chemicals can obviously affect the nutritional value and healthy status of the water that they have contaminated. Quite worryingly, the BPA contents of the plastic, when mixed with drinking water, have been linked with the causation of certain cancers. As you might imagine, this isn’t something that any of us should be taken lightly, and switching to glass water delivery is a super simple way to eliminate that risk from your life completely.

It Is A More Natural Vessel

Ultimately, the best benefit of using glass over plastic is the fact that glass is made solely from natural materials. It is a completely chemical-free process and substance that will have absolutely no effect on the quality of the water contained within it, and alongside the environmental benefits, if you can make small changes to your lifestyle to improve your health, then you definitely should. It’s a simple switch that can help the world and help your health!

Glass Bottled Water Delivery

If you would like to switch your lifestyle to one that incorporates glass bottled water delivery instead of using plastic bottles, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with Urban Oasis. Browse the website for all of the water delivery information that you might need. The team is ready and waiting to answer any questions that you might have before making a big decision! We look forward to hearing from you.

Bottled water delivery in Los Angeles can be helpful for your business. Your employees don’t need to find the right drinking water to hydrate themselves while they are working. Just choose our water delivery system and we will deliver the drinking water that you need. 

Giving You the Water that Your Employees Need with Bottled Water Delivery in Los Angeles 

Our goal here at Urban Oasis is to deliver clean drinking water that doesn’t taste muddy or earthy. Instead, we get you the water that you want and when you need it. We can deliver the water to your business either weekly or monthly. But you can customize how it will be delivered by simply calling us today. But why choose our bottled water delivery system? 

Avoid the Tap Water Taste 

Most tap water in the US has this certain unpleasant flavor. The taste is geographically specific though. The reason for this is that flavor depends on various factors, like the source of water, construction of pipes, weather, and many others. If your business’ source of drinking water is from a well, it will have that unpleasant flavor. 

Is the Flavor of Tap Water Really That Bad? 

Water taste can be subjective, though. It depends on your specific palate. But most tap water in the US can have that earthy, muddy taste. When tap water tastes like dirt, it can mean that you’re drinking from surface water where bacteria grow and give off geosmin. Unfortunately, the human palate is highly sensitive to geosmin and you can easily detect it even at small concentrations. If the tap water doesn’t taste earthy, it can be metallic or bitter. It’s the result of zinc, manganese, or copper leaching in the water supply. It typically happens if the water has a very low pH causing the metal piece to dissolve into the water supply. Iron and manganese are common in water sources. It’s especially true for groundwater. However, if the tap water has zinc content, it can mean corrosion of galvanized plumbing. 

Does It Taste Like Chlorine? 

Some tap water can taste like the water in a public swimming pool. Chlorine is typically used to treat water as it’s the cheapest option. Fortunately, chlorine in tap water is not harmful, even in high concentrations. But the taste and smell of it can be a true turnoff. If there’s bacterial contamination in the water source, you can expect that the tap water will have a chlorine taste and smell. It’s common in spring because of algal blooms during this season, thereby, increasing bacteria deposits. As a result, the treatment process will include more chlorine for a certain period. 

What Can Urban Oasis Do? 

We can deliver great-tasting water to your home or office. Urban Oasis ensures that you won’t run out of clean drinking water that you need for your employees or kids at home. When you sign up for our bottled water delivery Los Angeles, you can be sure to get BPA-free PET bottles. You may also choose to purchase or rent one of our water dispensing solutions, as well. To know more about what we can offer, please call (213) 427-0320.