If there is one thing in the world that none of us can live without, it is water! Hydration is one of the most important health factors, and access to clean, safe drinking water is something that should be on the top of everybody’s priority list. Unfortunately, not all locations across the country can profess to have the best quality drinking water, and under such circumstances, arranging for water delivery is often the most sensible and safest way to go. If you would rather not drink water from your kitchen faucet, then read on to discover some of the best benefits of water delivery in LA.

It Is The Easiest Way To Secure Safe Drinking Water

The most simple but arguably most important benefit of water delivery is that it makes the entire process so much easier for you! Whether buying for your own home or for an office workspace, arranging for a regular delivery of drinking water means that once you have organized the initial order, you never have to worry about running out or finding yourself in a situation where there is a worrying shortage for you or your colleagues. A structured delivery schedule means that this situation is another one that you can tick off as a job well done.

A Guarantee Of The Quality Of The Water

The last thing you want to be doing is worrying about whether or not the water you are drinking is going to make you sick. Subscribing to a regular delivery schedule with a professional water company means that you can have ultimate peace of mind as to how ‘good for you’ that drinking experience is going to be. You have the reassurance that the water being delivered has been tested to the strictest government standards, and unfortunately the same cannot be said for the water that comes out of your kitchen faucet in lots of places around the country.

water delivery in LA

You Can Often Choose The Type Of Water You Receive

When you choose water delivery, you have so much more control over what kind of water you actually drink. There is a range of different options at varying price points including alkaline water, reverse osmosis purified water and in some places even a specialized type of spring water that is packed full of lots of natural minerals that are incredibly beneficial to the body. As you can see, this kind of range of choice simply isn’t something that is possible when you are only drinking water from your taps at home!

So, if you are interested in arranging your own water delivery in LA, then the best place to go is over to the Urban Oasis website. There, you will find all of the information that you need in order to make an informed and educated decision based on your specific needs. We very much look forward to being able to provide you with the best quality water in the area!

If there is one thing that we can be sure humans can’t live without, it is water! If you are fortunate enough to live in a place that has safe, drinkable tap water, then you will always have access to what you need, but in other places, the quality of the tap water is not quite up to standard. If you always want to be certain that high-quality drinking water is available to you, whether at home or at work, then having a regular water delivery is definitely the way to go. To help you see just how many benefits there are for you and everyone else around you, here are some of the best reasons to choose water delivery in Los Angeles.

The Best Quality Water

Rather than taking a chance with the quality of your tap water, opting for water delivery will instead guarantee that what you are drinking on a regular basis is safe and free from any kind of harmful bacteria. Water should be the liquid that you drink the most of every single day, and having it delivered with the understanding that the quality is exceptional is something that can give people a lot of peace of mind.

Save Time

Direct delivery of water, either to your office or to your home, is always going to save you a lot of time. When bought in large quantities, water can be very heavy and a hassle to get back to your destination! And if you choose to only buy enough to carry each time, then you will certainly be making multiple journeys to restock each week! Arranging a delivery instead, you don’t have to worry about any of those logistics, with the hardest part of the process is opening the door for the water delivery guys! You not only save time but you also save on plastic usage and we all know how much of an issue that is.

You, Will, Drink More

Studies have shown that people who have access to something like a water cooler at home or at work are likely to drink more than they would otherwise over the course of a day. Very few of us actually reach the recommended target of eight glasses worth of water every day, so anything that can push you towards hitting that particular goal should definitely be considered a good thing.

water delivery in Los Angeles

Healthier Choice

There is also the benefit of better health when you have the option of fresh, safe drinking water nearby. Rather than going straight to the fridge to grab a soda, the presence of fresh, filtered water in an easily accessible manner might make you think twice and instead opt for the healthier option.

If you are interested in setting up water delivery in Los Angeles, then don’t hesitate to head over to the Urban Oasis website for all of the information that you need. Members of the dedicated team are ready and waiting to answer any queries that you might have about the water delivery process. We look forward to being able to help you with whatever you need!

Bottled water delivery in Los Angeles can be helpful for your business. Your employees don’t need to find the right drinking water to hydrate themselves while they are working. Just choose our water delivery system and we will deliver the drinking water that you need. 

Giving You the Water that Your Employees Need with Bottled Water Delivery in Los Angeles 

Our goal here at Urban Oasis is to deliver clean drinking water that doesn’t taste muddy or earthy. Instead, we get you the water that you want and when you need it. We can deliver the water to your business either weekly or monthly. But you can customize how it will be delivered by simply calling us today. But why choose our bottled water delivery system? 

Avoid the Tap Water Taste 

Most tap water in the US has this certain unpleasant flavor. The taste is geographically specific though. The reason for this is that flavor depends on various factors, like the source of water, construction of pipes, weather, and many others. If your business’ source of drinking water is from a well, it will have that unpleasant flavor. 

Is the Flavor of Tap Water Really That Bad? 

Water taste can be subjective, though. It depends on your specific palate. But most tap water in the US can have that earthy, muddy taste. When tap water tastes like dirt, it can mean that you’re drinking from surface water where bacteria grow and give off geosmin. Unfortunately, the human palate is highly sensitive to geosmin and you can easily detect it even at small concentrations. If the tap water doesn’t taste earthy, it can be metallic or bitter. It’s the result of zinc, manganese, or copper leaching in the water supply. It typically happens if the water has a very low pH causing the metal piece to dissolve into the water supply. Iron and manganese are common in water sources. It’s especially true for groundwater. However, if the tap water has zinc content, it can mean corrosion of galvanized plumbing. 

Does It Taste Like Chlorine? 

Some tap water can taste like the water in a public swimming pool. Chlorine is typically used to treat water as it’s the cheapest option. Fortunately, chlorine in tap water is not harmful, even in high concentrations. But the taste and smell of it can be a true turnoff. If there’s bacterial contamination in the water source, you can expect that the tap water will have a chlorine taste and smell. It’s common in spring because of algal blooms during this season, thereby, increasing bacteria deposits. As a result, the treatment process will include more chlorine for a certain period. 

What Can Urban Oasis Do? 

We can deliver great-tasting water to your home or office. Urban Oasis ensures that you won’t run out of clean drinking water that you need for your employees or kids at home. When you sign up for our bottled water delivery Los Angeles, you can be sure to get BPA-free PET bottles. You may also choose to purchase or rent one of our water dispensing solutions, as well. To know more about what we can offer, please call (213) 427-0320. 


When it comes to being a forward thinking and responsible business owner, one of the things that takes up a lot of your thinking time on a daily basis is probably all of the various ways that you can keep improving the quality of experience, both for your customers, for your staff and for you as an individual. Something that all businesses need to be able to provide, if not for their customers then certainly for their workers, is access to clean drinking water, and depending on where you live this can be achieved in a variety of different ways. In most regions nowadays, water straight from the tap can be seen as a perfectly acceptable source of healthy drinking water, but there are those who still want to steer clear and look for drinking water store alternatives in the form of a water vending machine. This begs the question, then, is water from vending machines actually cleaner than normal tap water?

The answer to this question isn’t a simple one, because it depends entirely on where you are and what your circumstances are.

  •   In the majority of states, city tap water has to be clean enough to meet federal standards of quality. This means that regardless of any kind of unusual or ‘weird’ taste, this water is always going to be medically safe and healthy for you to drink right out of the faucet compared to any other drinking water store.
  •       The key difference between tap water and a water vending machine is that companies take this water and run it through a filtration system to remove chemicals like chlorine, and this works to improve the taste of the water whilst keeping it equally as safe and healthy.
  •       Vended water is much cheaper by the gallon than individually bottled water, but at the same time it is more expensive than getting water directly from the tap.
  •       Ultimately, if you live in an area with traditionally unsafe tap water, then water from a vending machine is always going to be regarded as the better option for your wellbeing.
  •       Alternatively, if the tap water in your town is of a good standard to start with, vending machine water might not be any ‘cleaner’, but it will have the benefit of being more filtered with things like chlorine removed. This comes down not to a matter of health and safety, but purely a matter of preferring one taste over another. If you have the opinion to use either method and want the water that you drink to taste as pure and filtered as possible, then opting for the water vending machine product is always going to provide that more filtered drinking experience.

So, if you want to learn more about this subject and explore your own drinking water store options, then heading over to the Urban Oasis website is a great place to start. The safer and healthier the water is where you work, the happier everybody involved in the business is going to be.


If you are a shop owner of any kind, then one of your everyday concerns is inevitably going to be thinking of ways to make your customers more agreeable and comfortable whenever they are spending time on your premises. Whether you run a food shop, a shoe store, a garage or literally any other kind of business that involves face to face in store customer interaction, you want to make sure that you meet some of the basic needs of people who are out and about away from home. It might seem simple, but one of the most basic needs is water, and although it is basic, it is incredibly important! With that in mind, here are some of the benefits that a shop owner like you could enjoy if you choose to buy and install a water vending machine for your business.

  •       Keeps Staff Onsite

Having a facility that provides access to fresh drinking water means that your staff will not have to venture outside of the workplace to attain such things. Of course, they have their scheduled breaks and lunch hours, but having a water vending machine within immediate reach eliminates the need for workers to wander about in their allotted hours.

  •       Low Overheads

Rather than having something like a small canteen or staff member hired specifically to help with refreshments, a water vending machine is something that provides hydration for staff and customers without the need to hire somebody to man it. The maintenance is extremely low and the self-serve nature of the machine means that it can be placed at work and left for individual use, rather than having to have a permanent member of staff working with it. 

  •       Health Benefits

There is also the obvious benefit of a water vending machine on site being able to promote better health and hydration among your employees. Water is something that none of us can go without, so having easy and immediate access to it in the workplace is a basic need that needs to be fulfilled by every kind of boss. As the person in charge, you can satisfy all of these requirements with the simple installation of a water vending machine.

  •       Simple To Install

And when we say simple, we really mean it! Compared to other kinds of amenities that can be placed in a workplace and/or store, a machine that dispenses water is one the easiest and most space efficient pieces of equipment that you can have. It won’t make any overt or distracting differences to your business’s aesthetic, and it will provide a service that will make both your staff and your customers happier.

 So, if you are interested in these benefits and want to explore more about water vending machines for yourself, then head to a well trusted and reputable company like Urban Oasis to learn much more. The information here is only the tip of the iceberg, and in no time at all you will be an expert in the field!