If you are a shop owner of any kind, then one of your everyday concerns is inevitably going to be thinking of ways to make your customers more agreeable and comfortable whenever they are spending time on your premises. Whether you run a food shop, a shoe store, a garage or literally any other kind of business that involves face to face in store customer interaction, you want to make sure that you meet some of the basic needs of people who are out and about away from home. It might seem simple, but one of the most basic needs is water, and although it is basic, it is incredibly important! With that in mind, here are some of the benefits that a shop owner like you could enjoy if you choose to buy and install a water vending machine for your business.
- Keeps Staff Onsite
Having a facility that provides access to fresh drinking water means that your staff will not have to venture outside of the workplace to attain such things. Of course, they have their scheduled breaks and lunch hours, but having a water vending machine within immediate reach eliminates the need for workers to wander about in their allotted hours.
- Low Overheads
Rather than having something like a small canteen or staff member hired specifically to help with refreshments, a water vending machine is something that provides hydration for staff and customers without the need to hire somebody to man it. The maintenance is extremely low and the self-serve nature of the machine means that it can be placed at work and left for individual use, rather than having to have a permanent member of staff working with it.
- Health Benefits
There is also the obvious benefit of a water vending machine on site being able to promote better health and hydration among your employees. Water is something that none of us can go without, so having easy and immediate access to it in the workplace is a basic need that needs to be fulfilled by every kind of boss. As the person in charge, you can satisfy all of these requirements with the simple installation of a water vending machine.
- Simple To Install
And when we say simple, we really mean it! Compared to other kinds of amenities that can be placed in a workplace and/or store, a machine that dispenses water is one the easiest and most space efficient pieces of equipment that you can have. It won’t make any overt or distracting differences to your business’s aesthetic, and it will provide a service that will make both your staff and your customers happier.
So, if you are interested in these benefits and want to explore more about water vending machines for yourself, then head to a well trusted and reputable company like Urban Oasis to learn much more. The information here is only the tip of the iceberg, and in no time at all you will be an expert in the field!